Starter quiz

  • Which of the following statements is true for these triangles?
    Which of the following statements is true for these triangles?
    • The triangles are similar.  ✓
    • The triangles are not similar.
    • It is not possible to know whether the triangles are similar or not.
  • Which of these statements is true?
    • Isosceles triangles are always similar to each other.
    • Equilateral triangles are always similar to each other.  ✓
    • Right triangles are always similar to each other.
    • Scalene triangles are always similar to each other.
  • What is the value of n?
    What is the value of n?
    • '21' ✓
  • Which of these statements is true?
    • Rectangles are always similar to each other.
    • Parallelograms are always similar to each other.
    • Rhombi are always similar to each other.
    • Squares are always similar to each other.  ✓
  • What is the value of n?
    What is the value of n?
    • '158ᵒ' ✓
  • An isosceles triangle has an internal angle of 100ᵒ, what are the other two angles?
    • 100ᵒ, 80ᵒ
    • 40ᵒ, 40ᵒ  ✓
    • 60ᵒ, 60ᵒ