Starter quiz

  • How is 6 : 11 read aloud in words?
    • '6 to 11' ✓
  • What number is represented by the question mark in this bar model?
    What number is represented by the question mark in this bar model?
    • '48' ✓
  • Sam and Aisha share some stickers in the ratio of 3 : 5. Aisha gets 25 stickers, how many stickers are there in total?
    • '40' ✓
  • Laura, Jacob and Jun share some sweets in the ratio 5 : 6 : 3. Jacob gets 24 sweets, how many sweets are there in total?
    • '56' ✓
  • Lucas is making necklaces with red, blue and white beads in the ratio 2 : 7 : 5. He uses 15 white beads. How many beads are on each necklace?
    • '42' ✓
  • The lengths of the sides of a triangle are split in the ratio 3 : 8 : 7. The shortest side is 6.6 cm, what is the perimeter of the triangle?
    • '39.6 cm' ✓