Starter quiz

  • Here is a ratio table showing how to make a smoothie. Select which of the following multiplicative relationships show this ratio.
    Here is a ratio table showing how to make a smoothie. Select which of the following multiplicative relationships show this ratio.
    • Number of smoothies × 8 = Slices of apple  ✓
    • Slices of apples × 0.5 = Slices of banana  ✓
    • Slices of banana × 25 = Amount of milk  ✓
    • Slices of banana × 50 = Amount of yogurt  ✓
    • Amount of milk × 0.5 = Amount of yogurt
  • Here is a ratio table showing the ratio between eggs and sugar in a pudding. For every 2 parts eggs, there are 3 parts sugar in the pudding. Which of the rows is incorrect?
    Here is a ratio table showing the ratio between eggs and sugar in a pudding. For every 2 parts eggs, there are 3 parts sugar in the pudding. Which of the rows is incorrect?
    • 2 eggs and 3 sugars
    • 6 eggs and 9 sugars
    • 10 eggs and 15 sugars
    • 7 eggs and 10.5 sugars
    • 9 eggs and 13 sugars  ✓
  • Work out how many slices of apple are needed to make 12 smoothies if 8 slices of apple are needed for 1 smoothie.
    • '96' ✓
  • The ratio table can be used to make a cake. How many bananas are needed when 600 g of sugar is used?
    The ratio table can be used to make a cake. How many bananas are needed when 600 g of sugar is used?
    • '9' ✓
  • The ratio table can be used to make some cakes. Sofia uses 15 eggs to make some cakes for the school fete. Sofia should use <span class="blank">______</span> g of flour.
    The ratio table can be used to make some cakes. Sofia uses 15 eggs to make some cakes for the school fete. Sofia should use ______ g of flour.
    • '1500' ✓
  • The ratio table can be used to make some cakes. Andeep uses 1 kg of flour to make some cakes for the school fete. Andeep should use <span class="blank">______</span> eggs.
    The ratio table can be used to make some cakes. Andeep uses 1 kg of flour to make some cakes for the school fete. Andeep should use ______ eggs.
    • '10' ✓