Starter quiz

  • When you use a ratio table, you are using __________ relationship.
    • an additive
    • a difference
    • a multiplicative  ✓
  • 100% = 40 and 70% = 28. The percentage change is ______%.
    • '30' ✓
  • The cost of a laptop increases from £540 to £702. What is the percentage change?
    • 130%
    • 77%
    • 30%  ✓
    • 23%
  • Jun thinks of a number and increases it by a percentage. The number Jun thought of was 80 and his new number is 100. Jun has increased his original number by ______%.
    • '25' ✓
  • Jacob’s score on a game increases from 2450 to 2744. The percentage that Jacob's original score has changed by is ______%.
    • '12' ✓
  • A reduced fat bag of crisps contains 3 g of fat. The normal bag of crisps contains 2 g more of fat. The percentage that the fat has been reduced by is ______%.
    • '40%' ✓