Starter quiz

  • Order the fractions from smallest to largest.
    • 1
      2 \over 7
    • 2
      1 \over 3
    • 3
      4 \over 9
    • 4
      3 \over 5
    • 5
      5 \over 8
  • What is the value of a + b - c when a = 7, b = 21 and c = 2.4
    • '25.6' ✓
  • In order to rationalise (2 - \sqrt {3}) you would multiply by:
    • (2 + \sqrt {3})  ✓
    • (-2 + \sqrt {3})
    • (3 - \sqrt {2})
    • (3 + \sqrt {2})
  • True or false? Pythagoras' theorem can only be used to find the length of the hypotenuse.
    • True
    • False ✓
  • When is a surd in it's simplest form?
    • when the radicand is an integer and has no perfect square factors greater than 1  ✓
    • when the radicand is an integer
    • when the radicand is a perfect square
  • Solve x\sqrt {180} - 30 = x\sqrt {80} and write your answer in the form a\sqrt {b}. State the value of b.
    • '5' ✓