Starter quiz

  • Match the words with their definitions.
    • Phrase
      A shorter section of a melody ✓
    • Pulse
      The steady feel of the beat ✓
    • Score
      A visual representation of the music you are hearing ✓
  • Which key is the keyboard player pressing here?
    Which key is the keyboard player pressing here?
    • C  ✓
    • E
    • D
    • F
  • What does it mean to keep to a pulse when performing?
    • Start slowly and get faster.
    • Play to a steady beat.  ✓
    • Start at a fast tempo and slow down gradually.
    • Emphasise every beat of the bar.
  • Match the words with their definitions.
    • Quaver
      A note lasting half a beat ✓
    • Crotchet
      A note lasting one beat ✓
    • Minim
      A note lasting two beats ✓
  • Which two of the following refer to playing expressively?
    • Emphasising the last beat of the bar
    • Choosing appropriate dynamics and tempo  ✓
    • Emphasising the first beat of the bar  ✓
    • Keeping to a strict tempo
  • Which score does not contain an error in the first two bars of Ode to Joy?