Starter quiz

  • What is the name of the force that acts between of two surfaces in contact and in the opposite direction to motion?
    • drag
    • friction  ✓
    • pull
    • tension
  • Which of these pieces of equipment can be used to measure the size of a force?
    • ammeter
    • thermometer
    • metre ruler
    • newton meter  ✓
  • Which of these units is the size of a force measured in?
    • amps
    • joules
    • newtons  ✓
    • watts
  • Which of these forces is a contact force?
    • air resistance  ✓
    • electrostatic force
    • gravitational force
    • magnetic force
  • When a book is lifted and placed on a higher shelf, it has more energy in its ______ store.
    • 'gravitational' ✓
  • Match each energy store to the properties that an object has when there is energy in that store.
    • Energy in a chemical store ...
      means an object may take part in a chemical reaction. ✓
    • Energy in an elastic store ...
      means an object may stretch and increase in length. ✓
    • Energy in a gravitational store ...
      means an object has mass and is at a position above Earth's surface. ✓
    • Energy in a kinetic store ...
      means an object has mass and is moving. ✓