Starter quiz

  • Which of the following properties of an object affects the amount of energy in its gravitational store?
    • height  ✓
    • mass  ✓
    • speed
    • temperature
  • Why does an object that is dropped accelerate downwards?
    • Energy is created in the kinetic store.
    • Energy is lost from the gravitational store.
    • Energy is transferred to the kinetic store.  ✓
    • Energy is transferred from the gravitational store.  ✓
  • What happens to the amount of work done lifting a box of books, if the box is lifted to four times the height?
    • 16× more
    • 4× more  ✓
    • the same amount
    • 4× less
    • 16× less
  • In science, what unit is the weight of an object measured in?
    • kilograms (kg)
    • newtons (N)  ✓
    • newtons per kilogram (N/kg)
    • pounds (lb)
  • How would you calculate the work done lifting a sack of onions onto a table?
    • Work done = mass of the onions × height of the table
    • Work done = mass of the onions ÷ height of the table
    • Work done = weight of the onions × height of the table  ✓
    • Work done = weight of the onions ÷ height of the table
  • The gravitational force on Earth is six times greater than it is on the Moon. Put the following tools in order of the amount of energy in the gravitational store, starting with the most energy.
    • 1
      A hammer has a mass of 2 kg and is on Earth.
    • 2
      An axe has a mass of 1.5 kg and is on Earth.
    • 3
      A drill has a mass of 3 kg and is on the Moon.
    • 4
      An electric saw has a mass of 2 kg and is on the Moon.