Starter quiz

  • Which international standard unit is used to measure speed and velocity in physics? Give the symbol.
    • 'm/s' ✓
  • Which of these is a vector quantity?
    • speed
    • mass
    • velocity  ✓
    • volume
  • A lorry is travelling along a straight road. Its speed increases from 5.6 m/s to 8.4 m/s. What is the change in velocity for the lorry?
    • 1.4 m/s
    • 2.8 m/s  ✓
    • 5.6 m/s
    • 8.4 m/s
    • 14 m/s
  • A roller-skater covers a distance of 520 m in 40 s. Calculate their speed.
    • 0.8 m/s
    • 13 m/s  ✓
    • 26 m/s
    • 480 m/s
    • 20 000 m/s
  • How far will a wind-up toy travel if it has a speed of 0.2 m/s and it moves for 1 minute? Give the correct unit.
    • '1.2 m' ✓
  • How long will it take a rocket traveling at 5.0 km/s to travel a distance of 500 m?
    • 0.1 s  ✓
    • 0.25 s
    • 1.0 s
    • 10 s
    • 25 s