Starter quiz

  • Izzy rode her bike for 3 hours and travelled 45 kilometres. What was her average speed?
    • 10 km/h
    • 15 km/h  ✓
    • 20 km/h
    • 25 km/h
  • Lucas rides his bike for 4 hours with an average speed of 15 km/h. He travelled at a speed of 10 km/h for the first two hours. What speed must he have been travelling at for the last two hours?
    • 10 km/h
    • between 10 km/h and 15 km/h
    • 15 km/h
    • higher than 15 km/h  ✓
  • Which of the graphs shows an object moving with increasing speed (accelerating)?
  • Andeep ran 20 metres in 5 seconds then slowed down and walked 5 metres in the next 5 seconds. What was his average speed for the first 5 seconds?
    • 1 m/s
    • 2.5 m/s
    • 4 m/s  ✓
    • 5 m/s
  • Andeep ran 20 metres in 5 seconds then slowed down and walked 5 metres in the next 5 seconds. What was his average speed for the whole 10 seconds?
    • 1 m/s
    • 2.5 m/s  ✓
    • 4 m/s
    • 5 m/s
  • Aisha cycles to school three days in a row. Her speeds are shown on the bar chart. 
What is her average speed for the journey to school?
    Aisha cycles to school three days in a row. Her speeds are shown on the bar chart. What is her average speed for the journey to school?
    • 2.0 m/s
    • 3.7 m/s  ✓
    • 4.0 m/s
    • 5.0 m/s