Starter quiz

  • How does the ball move as the water wave moves forwards?
    How does the ball move as the water wave moves forwards?
    • up and down  ✓
    • forwards and backwards
    • forwards with the wave
  • A water wave is an example of a <span class="blank">______</span> wave.
    A water wave is an example of a ______ wave.
    • 'transverse' ✓
  • Is a wave on a rope a transverse wave?
    Is a wave on a rope a transverse wave?
    • yes, it is a transverse wave  ✓
    • no, it is a longitudinal wave
    • no, it is a mechanical wave
  • Where is the rest postion of water in this wave?
    Where is the rest postion of water in this wave?
    • level with the top of the wave
    • level with the middle of the wave  ✓
    • level with the bottom of the wave
  • What is the amplitude of a water wave?
    What is the amplitude of a water wave?
    • the distance between one wave crest and the next
    • the distance between a crest of a wave and a trough
    • the distance between a crest of a wave and the rest postion  ✓
  • What is the wavelength of a water wave?
    What is the wavelength of a water wave?
    • the distance between one wave crest and the next  ✓
    • the distance between a crest of a wave and a trough
    • the distance between a crest of a wave and the rest postion