Starter quiz

  • Hard, soft, smooth and rough are all...
    Hard, soft, smooth and rough are all...
    • materials
    • objects
    • properties of materials  ✓
  • Which of these is not a property of materials?
    Which of these is not a property of materials?
    • see-through
    • shiny
    • plastic  ✓
  • We use our senses when describing properties of materials. Which of these are senses?
    We use our senses when describing properties of materials. Which of these are senses?
    • sight  ✓
    • wood
    • plastic
    • smell  ✓
  • Which object is Andeep describing?
    Which object is Andeep describing?
    • a glass jar
      a glass jar  ✓
    • a plastic pot
      a plastic pot
    • a wooden table
      a wooden table
  • Which of these is a question we ask when we compare?
    Which of these is a question we ask when we compare?
    • What is the same?  ✓
    • Do I like it?
    • What is it called?
  • Sam has grouped these objects into rough and smooth. Which object has she put into the wrong group?
    Sam has grouped these objects into rough and smooth. Which object has she put into the wrong group?
    • scouring pad
    • pine cone
    • glass bottle
    • sandpaper  ✓