Starter quiz

  • Which of these is an animal?
    • a hedgehog
      a hedgehog  ✓
    • a spoon
      a spoon
    • an olive tree
      an olive tree
  • Which part of a plant is this?
    Which part of a plant is this?
    • 'roots' ✓
  • Which of these is a plant?
    • a tulip
      a tulip  ✓
    • a tablet
      a tablet
    • a ball
      a ball
  • Which sense is being shown in this picture?
    Which sense is being shown in this picture?
    • touch
    • taste
    • smell  ✓
    • hear
    • sight
  • Which of these body parts is an eye?
    • body part 1
      body part 1
    • body part 2
      body part 2  ✓
    • body parts 3
      body parts 3
  • Match what might happen to the correct season.
    • wear warm coats and woolly hats
      winter ✓
    • put on sun cream
      summer ✓
    • some leaves change to red and orange
      autumn ✓
    • many flowers begin to grow again
      spring ✓