Starter quiz

  • Which part of a plant grows under the soil?
    • 'roots' ✓
  • Which part of a plant can be bright and colourful?
    • 'flower' ✓
  • What is the name of this part of a plant?
    What is the name of this part of a plant?
    • 'leaves' ✓
  • What is the name of the part of this plant under the flower?
    What is the name of the part of this plant under the flower?
    • 'stem' ✓
  • Which of these is not part of a plant?
    • stick insect
      stick insect  ✓
    • leaf
    • tree trunk
      tree trunk
  • Match these statements about day length.
    • In the summer
      the weather is warmer. ✓
    • In the winter
      the weather is colder. ✓
    • In the summer
      the days are longer. ✓
    • In the winter
      the days are shorter. ✓