Starter quiz

  • Which of these is not a season?
    • spring
    • summer
    • September  ✓
    • autumn
    • winter
  • Which season often has the lowest temperatures?
    • spring
    • summer
    • autumn
    • winter  ✓
  • Which season often has the highest temperatures?
    • spring
    • summer  ✓
    • autumn
    • winter
  • I put seeds on a paper towel in a sunny place but they did not grow. Which statement might explain why?
    • The seeds had no water.  ✓
    • The seeds had no plant pot.
    • The seeds had no warmth.
  • I can grow a daffodil from a bulb without soil. What must the bulb have to grow into a plant?
    I can grow a daffodil from a bulb without soil. What must the bulb have to grow into a plant?
    • trowel
    • garden
    • water
      water  ✓
  • A botanist is a scientist who finds out more about ______.
    • 'plants' ✓