Starter quiz

  • Plants need warmth, ______ and light to grow.
    • 'water' ✓
  • Which thing is not living?
    • water
      water  ✓
    • tree
    • tulips
  • What does bloom mean?
    • When a flower opens.  ✓
    • When a flower closes.
    • When leaves turn green.
    • When leaves fall off.
  • An unhealthy plant that can no longer stand strong, tall and straight has begun to ______.
    • 'wilt' ✓
  • When a plant begins to wilt, which part of the plant can no longer stand tall?
    • flowers
    • stem  ✓
    • roots
  • Which part of a plant is shown in the picture?
    Which part of a plant is shown in the picture?
    • leaves
    • stem
    • roots  ✓