Starter quiz

  • Which of these is a plant?
    • a cat
      a cat
    • a bicycle
      a bicycle
    • a daisy
      a daisy  ✓
  • Which of these is not a plant?
    • an apple tree
      an apple tree
    • a stone
      a stone  ✓
    • a geranium
      a geranium
  • True or false? Plants only grow inside in pots.
    True or false? Plants only grow inside in pots.
    • True
    • False ✓
  • Scientists can identify plants by looking closely at them. What does identify mean?
    Scientists can identify plants by looking closely at them. What does identify mean?
    • Identify means being able to name a plant correctly.  ✓
    • Identify means checking how tall a plant is.
    • Identify means looking after a plant.
  • Scientists look closely at plants to see how they grow and change. What skill are they using?
    Scientists look closely at plants to see how they grow and change. What skill are they using?
    • counting
    • observing  ✓
    • growing
  • Laura is observing a sycamore tree. She notices that some of the leaves have turned from green to orange and that some branches have no leaves on them. Why do you think this is?
    • Plants grow and change throughout the year.  ✓
    • The tree is ill so all the leaves are falling off.
    • Someone has painted the leaves a different colour.
    • It is spring and new leaves are growing.


  • Q6: autumn leaf
