Starter quiz

  • Which of these is a habitat?
    • a woodland
      a woodland  ✓
    • a frog
      a frog
    • a plate
      a plate
  • Which of these is a camel's habitat?
  • Which of these is a snowdrop's habitat?
  • A smaller area where plants and animals live is called ...
    A smaller area where plants and animals live is called ...
    • a microhabitat.  ✓
    • a woodland.
    • a minibeast.
  • Which of these are microhabitats?
    • a field
      a field
    • a log pile
      a log pile  ✓
    • a rock pool
      a rock pool  ✓
    • a rainforest
      a rainforest
  • Why couldn't a lion live in a microhabitat?
    Why couldn't a lion live in a microhabitat?
    • A lion is too scary to live in a microhabitat.
    • A lion is too big to live in a microhabitat.  ✓
    • A lion is too hairy to live in a microhabitat.


  • Q2: Dmitry Rukhlenko,

  • Q3: Sync Rapeephat/

  • Q5: By cattan2011. CC-BY 2.0
