Starter quiz

  • Which of these is an animal?
    • a chair
      a chair
    • a rabbit
      a rabbit  ✓
    • a flower
      a flower
  • Which of these is not an animal?
    • a goldfish
      a goldfish
    • a polar bear
      a polar bear
    • a bicycle
      a bicycle  ✓
  • What is this animal?
    What is this animal?
    • 'dog' ✓
  • What does a rabbit eat?
    What does a rabbit eat?
    • grass
      grass  ✓
    • eggs
    • cats
  • Which of these animals could live in a house with people?
    • elephant
    • giraffe
    • cat
      cat  ✓
  • Where does a shark live?
    Where does a shark live?
    • ocean
      ocean  ✓
    • bath tub
      bath tub
    • puddle