Starter quiz

  • What can mammals grow on their bodies?
    What can mammals grow on their bodies?
    • hair or fur  ✓
    • scales
    • feathers
  • Mammals breathe ...
    Mammals breathe ...
    • water.
    • air.  ✓
    • grass.
  • What do mammals feed their young?
    What do mammals feed their young?
    • 'milk' ✓
  • Mammals are ...
    Mammals are ...
    • cold-blooded.
    • warm-blooded.  ✓
    • hot-blooded.
  • Which of these animals is a mammal?
    Which of these animals is a mammal?
    • lizard
    • swan
    • deer  ✓
  • What are the names of these mammals?
    What are the names of these mammals?
    • mammal 1
      whale ✓
    • mammal 2
      panda ✓
    • mammal 3
      kangaroo ✓
    • mammal 4
      bat ✓