Starter quiz

  • What is the name of this object in space?
    What is the name of this object in space?
    • The Moon
    • Earth  ✓
    • The Sun
    • Mars
  • What is the name of this object in space?
    What is the name of this object in space?
    • The Moon
    • Earth
    • The Sun  ✓
    • Saturn
  • What is the name of this object in space?
    What is the name of this object in space?
    • The Moon  ✓
    • Earth
    • The Sun
    • Jupiter
  • Light from the Sun can be dangerous. Which item is not something that can help protect us from the Sun?
    • sun glasses
    • sun flower  ✓
    • sun hat
    • sun cream
  • What is the name of this shape?
    What is the name of this shape?
    • circle
    • disc
    • sphere  ✓
    • cylinder
  • Match the 3D shapes with their 2D representations.
    • square
      cube ✓
    • rectangle
      cuboid ✓
    • circle
      sphere ✓