Starter quiz

  • What effect do simple machines have?
    • they make it harder to perform tasks
    • they make it easier to perform tasks  ✓
    • some make it easier and some make it harder to perform tasks
  • Both of these simple machines are useful for lifting things. Match the name to the description.
    • lever
      a rigid bar resting on a turning point called a pivot ✓
    • pulley
      a grooved wheel with a rope threaded through it ✓
  • Which of these images show a lever ?
    • a cart wheel
      a cart wheel
    • a window blind
      a window blind
    • removing a lid using a screwdriver
      removing a lid using a screwdriver  ✓
    • a see-saw
      a see-saw  ✓
  • What is the name of the point along a lever around which it turns?
    • 'pivot' ✓
  • With this pulley, in which direction is the effort compared to the movement of the load?
    With this pulley, in which direction is the effort compared to the movement of the load?
    • same
    • opposite  ✓
    • it depends how you use it
  • Which word is used to describe the force needed to move a load using a simple machine?
    • 'effort' ✓


  • Q3: Wagon wheel" by drothamel is licensed under CC BY 2.0."
