Starter quiz

  • What are pushes and pulls types of?
    • 'forces' ✓
  • Match the force to the way it acts.
    • Contact forces
      Act between objects that are touching each other.  ✓
    • Non-contact forces
      Act between objects that are not touching each other.  ✓
    • Forces
      Pushes and pulls that make things move or change direction. ✓
  • Are all metals magnetic?
    Are all metals magnetic?
    • 'no' ✓
  • Which of these images show pull forces?
    • plucking a guitar
      plucking a guitar  ✓
    • brushing hair
      brushing hair  ✓
    • ringing a doorbell
      ringing a doorbell
    • using scissors
      using scissors
  • Magnetic force can work at a distance, so it is a is a <span class="blank">______</span> force.
    Magnetic force can work at a distance, so it is a is a ______ force.
    • 'non-contact' ✓
  • Which of these things can forces do?
    • make something change mass
    • make something stop moving  ✓
    • make something start moving  ✓
    • make something change direction  ✓