Starter quiz

  • Match the force created, to the example:
    • water resistance
      submarine moving through the sea ✓
    • air resistance
      helicopter flying ✓
    • friction
      car tyres on a road ✓
  • The ______ the surface area of a moving object, the greater the air resistance.
    • 'greater' ✓
  • Air resistance and water resistance are both types of friction that act in the ______ direction to the direction of movement.
    • 'opposite' ✓
  • On which part of moving objects does water resistance act?
    On which part of moving objects does water resistance act?
    • the inside
    • the top and bottom
    • the surface  ✓
  • Which of these would you find in a conclusion?
    • an explanation of the results  ✓
    • a table of results
    • a line graph
    • an answer to the enquiry question  ✓
  • Why do runners sometimes use parachutes in training?
    • To decrease air resistance so they have to work harder.
    • To increase air resistance to stop them slipping.
    • To decrease air resistance to help them run faster.
    • To increase air resistance so they have to work harder.  ✓


  • Q6: Jacob Lund/
