Starter quiz

  • Young mammals grow and develop in which organ inside their mother's?
    Young mammals grow and develop in which organ inside their mother's?
    • Stomach
    • Womb  ✓
    • Intestines
    • Liver
  • One year is 12 ______ long.
    • 'months' ✓
  • How long are humans considered to be babies?
    How long are humans considered to be babies?
    • 1 month
    • 6 months
    • 1 year  ✓
    • 2 years
  • Which of these statements about mammals is not true?
    Which of these statements about mammals is not true?
    • Mammals grow inside their mother’s wombs.
    • Mammals are born living from their mothers.
    • Mammals are hatched from eggs.  ✓
    • Mammal offspring show some resemblance to their parents.
  • At what age do humans start eating foods other than milk?
    At what age do humans start eating foods other than milk?
    • Around 6 days
    • Around 6 weeks
    • Around 6 months  ✓
    • Around 6 years
  • Starting with the earliest, order the stages in a human baby’s development.
    Starting with the earliest, order the stages in a human baby’s development.
    • 1
      Kick legs
    • 2
      Sit up
    • 3
      Stand up
    • 4
      Start trying to walk