Starter quiz

  • Which of these sentences are questions?
    • What a lot of learning we have done today!
    • What is the name for the stage after childhood?  ✓
    • I don’t know what babies eat.
    • What is the average adult height for women?  ✓
  • Match the human development stage to the approximate age.
    • baby
      0 - 1 year old ✓
    • toddler
      1 - 3 years old ✓
    • child
      3 - 12 years old ✓
    • adolescent
      12 - 20 years old ✓
    • adult
      20+ years old ✓
  • Which of these statements about humans is not true?
    Which of these statements about humans is not true?
    • They all reach development milestones at the same time.  ✓
    • They are mammals who give birth to live young.
    • They stop growing taller at the end of puberty.
    • They grow and develop inside their mother's womb during a gestation period.
  • Starting with the earliest, order these human development milestones.
    • 1
      able to eat solid food
    • 2
      learn to walk
    • 3
      voice becomes deeper for boys
    • 4
      stop growing taller
    • 5
      bones shrink slightly
  • Which of these changes generally happen during puberty?
    • learn to walk
    • body hair grows under arms  ✓
    • bones shrink slightly
    • height increases  ✓
    • girls’ hips get wider and boys’ shoulders get broader  ✓
  • Which of these changes are likely to happen to humans during the elder stage?
    Which of these changes are likely to happen to humans during the elder stage?
    • many wrinkles appear on skin  ✓
    • periods start
    • muscles may lose strength and flexibility  ✓
    • vision and hearing may deteriorate  ✓
    • voice becomes deeper