Starter quiz

  • During which of these stages of development do humans stay the same height?
    • baby
    • toddler
    • child
    • adolescent
    • adult  ✓
  • Which of these statements about human growth is correct?
    Which of these statements about human growth is correct?
    • Humans only grow on their birthdays.
    • Humans only grow when they eat healthy food.
    • Humans grow continuously from birth until the end of childhood.
    • Humans grow continuously from birth until the end of adolescence.  ✓
  • How can we find out the height of a human?
    • measuring them  ✓
    • making an estimate
    • weighing them
    • asking their age
  • What number is the arrow pointing to on this number line?
    What number is the arrow pointing to on this number line?
    • 85
    • 90
    • 91  ✓
    • 95
  • What does calculate mean?
    • To use a calculator
    • To add, subtract, divide or multiply numbers  ✓
    • To plan something
    • To find a total of a set of numbers
  • Starting with the smallest, order these numbers.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4