Starter quiz

  • Which of the following is a solid?
    • wood
      wood  ✓
    • water
    • oil
  • Which of the following are examples of a gas?
    • air
      air  ✓
    • water vapour
      water vapour  ✓
    • plastic
  • Which of the following are examples of a liquid?
    • apple juice  ✓
    • milk  ✓
    • rain  ✓
  • How are sounds made?
    • When an object vibrates  ✓
    • When an object stays still
    • Only by a musical instrument
  • What part of the body do we use to hear with?
    What part of the body do we use to hear with?
    • 'ears' ✓
  • Which of the following ways can we make a sound?
    • standing still
    • tapping something  ✓
    • speaking  ✓