Starter quiz

  • Which of these living things that are found on Earth are animals?
    Which of these living things that are found on Earth are animals?
    • zebra  ✓
    • clown fish  ✓
    • sycamore tree
    • tortoise  ✓
    • daisy
  • A human has different shapes and sizes of <span class="blank">______</span> to protect and support their body.
    A human has different shapes and sizes of ______ to protect and support their body.
    • 'bones' ✓
  • Which of these describes the properties of a bone?
    Which of these describes the properties of a bone?
    • Bones are soft and flexible. They bend easily.
    • Bones are hard and rigid. They don't break easily.  ✓
    • Bones are soft and rigid. They break easily.
  • All vertebrates have a...
    All vertebrates have a...
    • 'backbone' ✓
  • Where would you find a vertebrate's spine?
    Where would you find a vertebrate's spine?
    • In its feet.
    • In its head.
    • In its mouth.
    • In its back.  ✓
    • In its wings.
  • Where is the skeleton of an animal that has an endoskeleton?
    Where is the skeleton of an animal that has an endoskeleton?
    • on the outside of its body
    • inside its body  ✓
    • next to its body
    • underneath its body
    • above its body