Starter quiz

  • True or false? The bones in your body are living.
    True or false? The bones in your body are living.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • Match the name of the bone to where you find it in your body.
    Match the name of the bone to where you find it in your body.
    • ribs
      chest ✓
    • skull
      head ✓
    • spine
      back ✓
    • femur
      leg ✓
    • humerus
      arm ✓
  • Which piece of measuring equipment would you use to measure the length of your leg?
    • ruler
    • tape measure  ✓
    • trundle wheel
  • What do scientists call all the things needed to carry out an investigation?
    • 'equipment' ✓
  • Match the equipment to the thing it would measure.
    Match the equipment to the thing it would measure.
    • thermometer
      temperature  ✓
    • weighing scales
      mass ✓
    • ruler
      length ✓
  • "Do bones grow as we get older?" is a <span class="blank">______</span> that a scientist might investigate.
    "Do bones grow as we get older?" is a ______ that a scientist might investigate.
    • 'question' ✓