Starter quiz

  • Muscle strength shows how <span class="blank">______</span> your muscles are.
    Muscle strength shows how ______ your muscles are.
    • 'strong' ✓
  • Scientists carry out investigations to find answers to their ...
    Scientists carry out investigations to find answers to their ...
    • 'questions' ✓
  • Which of these are types of science enquiry?
    • fair test  ✓
    • pattern seeking  ✓
    • creating a question
    • observation over time  ✓
    • secondary research  ✓
  • After choosing the right type of investigation, scientists make a <span class="blank">______</span> before they begin.
    After choosing the right type of investigation, scientists make a ______ before they begin.
    • 'plan' ✓
  • Which of the pieces of equipment could help you to investigate muscle strength?
    • thermometer
    • tape measure
      tape measure  ✓
    • hand grip
      hand grip  ✓
    • stop watch
      stop watch  ✓
  • Put in the correct order, the sequence you would carry out these actions when doing a science investigation.
    • 1
      Create a question.
    • 2
      Decide which type of science enquiry to use.
    • 3
      Plan your investigation and collect your equipment.
    • 4
      Carry out the investigation and record data.
    • 5
      Make a conclusion.