Starter quiz

  • What structure inside your body supports your body from falling over?
    What structure inside your body supports your body from falling over?
    • walking stick
    • crutches
    • skeleton  ✓
  • What is a human skeleton made from and why?
    What is a human skeleton made from and why?
    • Metal as it is strong and hard.
    • Bones as they are soft and floppy.
    • Plastic as it is bendy and flexible.
    • Bones as they are hard and strong.  ✓
    • Glass as it is fragile and breaks easily.
  • What is this type of image called?
    What is this type of image called?
    • 'X-ray' ✓
  • Which statement about bones is true?
    Which statement about bones is true?
    • The bones in your skeleton are dead.
    • The bones in your skeleton are living.  ✓
    • Some bones in your skeleton are dead and some are living.
  • This person has had an accident. Look at the X-ray, what can you see?
    This person has had an accident. Look at the X-ray, what can you see?
    • No damage, they are fine.
    • They have broken their skull.
    • They have broken their arm.  ✓
    • They have broken their spine.
  • Match these materials to their properties.
    • wool
      soft ✓
    • rubber
      flexible ✓
    • glass
      transparent ✓
    • bone
      strong ✓