Starter quiz

  • Which one of these is not part of your body?
    Which one of these is not part of your body?
    • head
    • leg
    • gills  ✓
    • arm
    • foot
  • Match the body part with the correct sense.
    • eyes
      sight ✓
    • nose
      smell ✓
    • hands
      touch ✓
    • tongue
      taste ✓
    • ears
      hearing ✓
  • Can you match the animal to the correct group?
    • human
      mammal ✓
    • robin
      bird ✓
    • tortoise
      reptile ✓
    • frog
      amphibian ✓
    • shark
      fish ✓
  • As you get older and grow from a baby to an adult, your body...
    As you get older and grow from a baby to an adult, your body...
    • shrinks.
    • grows.  ✓
    • stays the same.
  • Which of these things do we need to do to stay healthy?
    • Eat a balanced diet.
      Eat a balanced diet.  ✓
    • Get plenty of sleep.
      Get plenty of sleep.  ✓
    • Watch television.
      Watch television.
    • Do some exercise.
      Do some exercise.  ✓
  • A human is a type of...
    A human is a type of...
    • plant.
    • animal.  ✓
    • bird.
    • reptile.