Starter quiz

  • What is darkness?
    What is darkness?
    • very low light
    • dark light
    • the absence of light  ✓
  • What is the name of the equipment shown in the image?
    • mirrorscope
    • spyscope
    • periscope  ✓
    • mircroscope
  • What do periscopes help us to do?
    • see objects which are too far away to see with just our eyes
    • see objects which are high up or round corners  ✓
    • see objects which are too dark
    • see objects which are too small to see with just our eyes
  • In the eye, what is the pupil?
    • the coloured part of the eye
    • an opening in the eye that allows light to enter  ✓
    • the protective surface over the front of the eye
  • How are mirrors useful to us?
    How are mirrors useful to us?
    • They can change the speed of light.
    • They can change the colour of light.
    • They can change the direction of light.  ✓
  • Match the method of recording to the description.
    • A scientific model is ...
      a physical or computer representation of a scientific idea or fact. ✓
    • A scientific diagram is ...
      a drawn or printed representation of a scientific idea or fact. ✓
    • A scientific theory is ...
      an explanation for why things work or how things happen. ✓


  • Q2: Person Scott Foresman,
