Starter quiz

  • Why are mirrors often used to investigate light?
    Why are mirrors often used to investigate light?
    • they are inexpensive
    • they are light sources
    • they are highly reflective  ✓
  • Who is correct?
    • Laura: "shadows are the same size as the object blocking the light"
      Laura: "shadows are the same size as the object blocking the light"
    • Jun: "shadows are the same shape as the object blocking the light"
      Jun: "shadows are the same shape as the object blocking the light"  ✓
    • Sofia: "shadows show the features of the object blocking the light"
      Sofia: "shadows show the features of the object blocking the light"
  • Which image shows the correct shape shadow?
  • Which of these types of materials would not cast a shadow?
    • opaque
    • transparent  ✓
    • translucent
  • Shadows are the same shape as the object blocking the light because light travels in ______ lines.
    • 'straight' ✓
  • How can scientific diagrams help us understand the shape of shadows?
    • They can help show the colour of the light source.
    • They can help show where the light is blocked.  ✓
    • They can help show the type of light source used.