Starter quiz
- What do we call the stages that an animal goes through as it ages?
- A life circle
- A life cycle ✓
- A life story
- Which life process means 'an animal making more animals'?
- Reproduction ✓
- Nutrition
- Growth
- Recovery
- Repetition
- Which of these statements about amphibians is not true?
- Amphibians have moist skin.
- Amphibians live on land and in water.
- Amphibians lay eggs.
- Amphibians are warm-blooded. ✓
- Eggs are roundish objects with what inside?
- Nothing living
- A devloping animal ✓
- Lots of tiny animals
- Which of these animals is not an amphibian?
- Newt
- Frog
- Turtle ✓
- Toad
- Amphibians belong to a group of animals called vertebrates. This means they have a ______.
- 'spine' ✓