Starter quiz

  • Which of these animal types give birth to live young?
    • Amphibians
    • Insects
    • Mammals  ✓
    • Reptiles
  • Which of these is not a mammal?
    • Human
    • Chimpanzee
    • Dolphin
    • Penguin
      Penguin  ✓
  • What are an animal’s offspring?
    • Their young (babies).  ✓
    • Their food sources.
    • Their habitats.
    • Their body coverings.
  • Which of these words means to find out more about something by using other sources of information?
    • Estimate
    • Research  ✓
    • Question
    • Measure
  • When animals make more of the same type of animal, it is called <span class="blank">______</span>.
    When animals make more of the same type of animal, it is called ______.
    • 'Reproduction' ✓
  • When scientists say what they think will happen in an investigation, it is called a ______.
    • 'prediction' ✓