Starter quiz

  • Vertebrates and invertebrates are different types of animals. What do vertebrates have that invertebrates do not have?
    • Arms and legs
    • A backbone (spine)  ✓
    • A tail
    • Fur
    • A brain
  • Some animals give birth to live young and some animals lay <span class="blank">______</span>.
    Some animals give birth to live young and some animals lay ______.
    • 'eggs' ✓
  • Match the words to the correct descriptions.
    • warm-blooded animals
      able to keep their body temperature stable themselves ✓
    • cold-blooded animals
      need heat from their surroundings to keep their body warm ✓
  • Match the animal to their body covering.
    • cat
      fur ✓
    • blackbird
      feathers ✓
    • clownfish
      scales ✓
    • crocodile
      dry, scaly skin ✓
    • frog
      moist skin ✓
  • What do fish use gills for?
    What do fish use gills for?
    • Digesting food
    • Breathing under water  ✓
    • Hunting for food
  • What does 'having things in common' mean?
    • Having features or characteristics which are the same.  ✓
    • Having the most popular of something.
    • Having features or characteristics that are different.