Starter quiz

  • The stages an animal goes through as it ages is called its life <span class="blank">______</span>.
    The stages an animal goes through as it ages is called its life ______.
    • 'cycle' ✓
  • What is the scientific term for an animal in the final stage of its life cycle?
    What is the scientific term for an animal in the final stage of its life cycle?
    • adolescent
    • grown up
    • larva
    • adult  ✓
  • Which of these words means an animal making more animals?
    Which of these words means an animal making more animals?
    • Recreate
    • Reproduce  ✓
    • Repeat
  • Match the animal type to its classification.
    • Amphibians
      Vertebrates ✓
    • Insects
      Invertebrates ✓
  • Amphibians lay jelly-like <span class="blank">______</span>, called spawn, in the water.
    Amphibians lay jelly-like ______, called spawn, in the water.
    • 'eggs' ✓
  • Which of these is not a characteristic of insects?
    Which of these is not a characteristic of insects?
    • Eight jointed legs  ✓
    • Segmented body in three parts
    • Pair of antennae
    • Exoskeleton