Starter quiz

  • Match the word to the correct definition.
    • similarity
      Something that things have in common. ✓
    • difference
      Something that is not the same when comparing things. ✓
  • What is the scientific name for a fully grown mammal?
    What is the scientific name for a fully grown mammal?
    • 'adult' ✓
  • Match the mammal life cycle stage to the correct description.
    Match the mammal life cycle stage to the correct description.
    • baby
      The mammal has just been born and needs lots of help. ✓
    • young
      The mammal is still growing and becoming more independent. ✓
    • adult
      The mammal is fully grown and is able to reproduce. ✓
  • Egg, ______, fledgling, adult. Which stage is missing from the bird life cycle?
    • 'hatchling' ✓
  • Birds lay eggs. Which life process is laying eggs part of?
    Birds lay eggs. Which life process is laying eggs part of?
    • growth
    • reproduction  ✓
    • nutrition
    • movement
  • Which one of these can an adult bird do, but a fledgling bird cannot?
    Which one of these can an adult bird do, but a fledgling bird cannot?
    • reproduce  ✓
    • eat
    • sense the world around them
    • move