Starter quiz

  • What is a habitat?
    • The place where a plant or animal lives.  ✓
    • The bed or nest an animal sleeps in.
    • The time an animal goes to sleep over winter.
    • The routine an animal has in its day.
  • What does it mean when animals reproduce?
    • They eat lots of food.
    • They hibernate.
    • They make more animals.  ✓
    • They move to another habitat.
  • When animals reach the <span class="blank">______</span> stage of their life cycle, they are able to reproduce.
    When animals reach the ______ stage of their life cycle, they are able to reproduce.
    • 'adult' ✓
  • What is a climate?
    • The usual population of a place.
    • A very hot part of the world.
    • The place where an animal lives.
    • The usual temperature and weather in a place.  ✓
  • If we wanted to find out more of something, which of these would not be a good place to look for information?
    • Internet
    • Story book  ✓
    • Non-fiction book
  • Research can be carried out using ______ sources of information.
    • 'secondary' ✓