Starter quiz

  • Insects are invertebrates. What does ‘invertebrate’ mean?
    Insects are invertebrates. What does ‘invertebrate’ mean?
    • An animal without a spine (backbone)  ✓
    • An animal without a digestive system
    • An animal without legs
    • An animal without a brain
  • Which two of these animals are not insects?
    • Ladybird
    • Garden spider
      Garden spider  ✓
    • Snail
      Snail  ✓
    • Ant
  • Which of these is not part of an insect’s segmented body?
    Which of these is not part of an insect’s segmented body?
    • Head
    • Torso  ✓
    • Thorax
    • Abdomen
  • What is the name for this object that has a developing animal inside?
    What is the name for this object that has a developing animal inside?
    • 'egg' ✓
  • Animals can reproduce. What does this mean?
    • They have a life cycle
    • They hunt for food
    • They live together with animals of the same type
    • They make more animals of the same type  ✓
  • What are insect antennae for?
    What are insect antennae for?
    • Scaring away predators
    • Tasting food
    • Sensing the world around them  ✓
    • Extra legs