Starter quiz

  • What is an animal?
    What is an animal?
    • A living thing that has fur.
    • A living thing that moves and eats other animals or plants.  ✓
    • A living thing that has a face.
    • A living thing that makes its own food.
  • Mammals have backbones. This means they belong to a group of animals called <span class="blank">______</span>.
    Mammals have backbones. This means they belong to a group of animals called ______.
    • 'vertebrates' ✓
  • Which of these animals is not a mammal?
    • rhinoceros
    • orca whale
      orca whale
    • frog
      frog  ✓
    • bat
  • Which of these words means a fully-grown animal?
    Which of these words means a fully-grown animal?
    • adolescent
    • infant
    • young
    • adult  ✓
  • What is a life cycle?
    • What happens to an animal's body after it dies.
    • The changes a living thing goes through as it grows.  ✓
    • The way an animal is born.
  • Which of these is not true of mammals?
    Which of these is not true of mammals?
    • They are warm-blooded.
    • They have hair or fur.
    • They lay eggs.  ✓
    • They are vertebrates.