Starter quiz

  • Which of these are living things?
    • sheep  ✓
    • mug
    • wool
    • ladybird  ✓
    • daffodil  ✓
  • Which of these are not living things?
    Which of these are not living things?
    • oak tree
    • kettle  ✓
    • hat  ✓
    • lizard
    • plastic bottle  ✓
  • Rock is a solid material that occurs naturally in ...
    Rock is a solid material that occurs naturally in ...
    • 'Earth' ✓
  • Which of these are types of rock?
    Which of these are types of rock?
    • slate  ✓
    • rubber
    • limestone  ✓
    • sandstone  ✓
    • plastic
  • Which of these images show that weathering has occurred?
    •  seashore
      seashore  ✓
    • building
      building  ✓
    • sun
    • snow
  •  <span class="blank">______</span> is when land is worn away by natural forces, such as water or wind, and transported to another location.
    ______ is when land is worn away by natural forces, such as water or wind, and transported to another location.
    • 'Erosion' ✓


  • Q1: tapir, animals
