Starter quiz

  • Scientists carry out an <span class="blank">______</span> to find out answers to their questions.
    Scientists carry out an ______ to find out answers to their questions.
    • 'investigation' ✓
  • Rocks come from the Earth's crust. We often dig them out of the ground from ...
    Rocks come from the Earth's crust. We often dig them out of the ground from ...
    • a shop
    • an aquarium
    • a cafe
    • a forest
    • a quarry  ✓
  • Which of these describes what a rock is?
    Which of these describes what a rock is?
    • Rock is a human-made material from concrete.
    • Rock is a natural material that is made in a factory.
    • Rock is a natural material that is made from different minerals.  ✓
    • Rock is a human-made material that is made from different minerals.
  • Which of these objects could you use to investigate the physical property of hardness of different rocks?
    Which of these objects could you use to investigate the physical property of hardness of different rocks?
    • a piece of cotton wool
    • the edge of a coin  ✓
    • a nail  ✓
    • a feather
    • a steel nail file  ✓
  •  Which of these questions about physical properties would you need to use water to investigate?
    Which of these questions about physical properties would you need to use water to investigate?
    • How waterproof is teddy's coat?  ✓
    • How strong is the magnet?
    • Which is the best kitchen towel to wipe up the spill?  ✓
    • Which trees are deciduous?
    • Which nappy absorbs the most liquid?  ✓
  • Friedrich <span class="blank">______</span> was a famous scientist from the past who developed a scratch test to help us to learn more about rocks and their physical property of hardness.
    Friedrich ______ was a famous scientist from the past who developed a scratch test to help us to learn more about rocks and their physical property of hardness.
    • 'Mohs' ✓