Starter quiz

  • Televisions, mobile phones and washing machines are examples of electrical <span class="blank">______</span>.
    Televisions, mobile phones and washing machines are examples of electrical ______.
    • 'appliances' ✓
  • What type of electricity does an appliance use if it is plugged into a socket on the wall?
    What type of electricity does an appliance use if it is plugged into a socket on the wall?
    • batteries
    • mains electricity  ✓
  • Match the appliance to its source of electricity.
    Match the appliance to its source of electricity.
    • digital watch
      battery ✓
    • computer monitor
      mains electricity ✓
  • Which of the following activities can be completed using electricity?
    • lighting a room  ✓
    • rolling out pastry
    • playing a computer game  ✓
    • playing football
  • Select the most accurate ending for the following sentence. Appliances are devices or pieces of equipment designed …
    • to wash clothes.
    • to perform a specific task.  ✓
    • to be used in a building.
    • to be used in the kitchen.
  • Which of the following do scientists and engineers consider when choosing materials for electrical appliances?
    Which of the following do scientists and engineers consider when choosing materials for electrical appliances?
    • the colour of the material
    • the smell of the material
    • the properties of the material  ✓