Starter quiz

  • Which of these is a material?
    • chair
    • ruler
    • wood
      wood  ✓
    • toy car
      toy car
  • What material are these toy building bricks made from?
    What material are these toy building bricks made from?
    • wood
    • glass
    • plastic  ✓
    • metal
  • Scientists and engineers choose materials for particular tasks based on their physical ______ such as whether they are strong, waterproof or flexible.
    • 'properties' ✓
  • An ______ is a device or piece of equipment designed to perform a task or function.
    • 'appliance' ✓
  • Match the appliance with how it is powered by electricity.
    • watch
      battery ✓
    • electric blanket
      mains electricity ✓
  • Which of these appliances use mains electricity?
    • stopwatch
    • food mixer
      food mixer  ✓
    • television
      television  ✓
    • digital scales
      digital scales