Starter quiz

  • What type of electrical circuit do you have if all the components are correctly connected and there are no gaps in the loop?
    What type of electrical circuit do you have if all the components are correctly connected and there are no gaps in the loop?
    • complete  ✓
    • incomplete
  • How would we describe a material that allows electricity to pass through it easily?
    How would we describe a material that allows electricity to pass through it easily?
    • electrical connector
    • electrical insulator
    • electrical transferer
    • electrical conductor  ✓
  • How would we describe a material that does not allow electricity to pass through it easily?
    • electrical connector
    • electrical insulator  ✓
    • electrical transferer
    • electrical conductor
  • Match the material to its property.
    • metal
      electrical conductor ✓
    • plastic
      electrical insulator ✓
  • Which type of material would you use to make the casing on a plug?
    • an electrical conductor
    • an electrical insulator  ✓
  • Which of these materials is an electrical conductor?
    • copper
      copper  ✓
    • plastic
    • air
    • rubber