Starter quiz

  • What is the name for the type of force that acts between objects that are touching each other?
    What is the name for the type of force that acts between objects that are touching each other?
    • 'contact force' ✓
  • Magnets attract <span class="blank">______</span> metals.
    Magnets attract ______ metals.
    • silver-coloured
    • all
    • some  ✓
  • Which of these is not a type of magnet?
    • bar
    • triangular  ✓
    • horseshoe
    • button
  • Yes or no - Is aluminium magnetic?
    Yes or no - Is aluminium magnetic?
    • 'no' ✓
  • Match the pairs of poles to the behaviour of the magnets.
    • N and N next to each other
      magnets repel ✓
    • N and S next to each other
      magnets attract ✓
  • Would the magnets in this image attract or repel each other?
    Would the magnets in this image attract or repel each other?
    • 'attract' ✓