Starter quiz

  • Yes or no - Are all magnets metal?
    Yes or no - Are all magnets metal?
    • 'yes' ✓
  • If an object moves towards a magnet, it is <span class="blank">______</span> to the magnet.
    If an object moves towards a magnet, it is ______ to the magnet.
    • 'attracted' ✓
  • Which of these is not an example of a contact force?
    • Someone pushing a toy train.
    • A toy train slowing down on a surface.
    • A leaf falling to the ground.  ✓
    • Someone hitting a hockey ball.
  • Yes or no - Is everything made from metal attracted to a magnet?
    • 'no' ✓
  • Which statement is true about magnetic forces?
    • Magnetic forces can act at a distance from an object.  ✓
    • Magnetic forces only act when in contact with an object.
  • Match the type of force to the example.
    • magnetic force
      iron nails moving towards lodestone rock ✓
    • friction force
      bike wheels slowing down on the playground ✓